Neighbourhood Pharmacies Makes Recommendations to HESA Re Pharmacare Act

HESA Study of Bill C-64; An Act respecting pharmacare

On May 22, we provided a submission to the Standing Committee on Health outlining Neighbourhood Pharmacies' position and considerations regarding Bill C-64, an Act respecting pharmacare. We commend the federal government for their commitment to ensuring all Canadians have access to contraceptives and diabetes medications. This is an important to step in the implementation of national pharmacare that will improve the health of Canadians
We encourage the federal government to consider a national pharmacare model that:

  • Takes an equitable approach to removing barriers to drug access in Canada
  • Prioritizes those currently uninsured
  • Builds on a robust minimum national formulary that meets or exceeds existing provincial public coverage
  • Protects access to critical healthcare services
  • Collaborates with the province and territories

The contribution of community pharmacy in the dialogue shaping national pharmacare is crucial. We strongly recommend that community pharmacists be represented on the Committee of Experts that will be established to advise on further pharmacare implementation.


Submission to HESA Re Pharmacare